Leader sl⌿sh Manager

Leader sl⌿sh Manager

Leaders are readers (books, people, emotions). I believe that we all have a leadership capacity and leadership strength within each of us, and that our leadership strengths will come out at different times.

Líderes son lectores (libros, personas, emociones). Creo que todos tenemos una capacidad de liderazgo y fuerza de liderazgo dentro de cada uno de nosotros, y que nuestras fortalezas de liderazgo se manifestarán en diferentes momentos.

Liderzy to czytelnicy (książek, ludzi, emocji). Wierzę, że każdy z nas posiada w sobie zdolności przywódcze i siłę charakteru. Niemniej jednak nasze umiejętności liderskie ujawniają się jedynie w najbardziej krytycznych momentach.


> Direct
> Create visions
> Take risks
> Think long-term
> Are proactive
> Have followers
> Lead people
> Are idols
> See potential
> Guide


> Coach
> Create goals
> Control risks
> Work for short-term
> Are reactive
> Have teammates
> Manage people
> Are inspirations
> See performance
> Drive


One of my favorite leadership quotes is, "Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your word." It doesn't matter how capable, intelligent or effective a leader is. If they lack moral integrity, troubles are bound to follow. For one, employees look to their leaders for examples of what behavior is acceptable. If a leader is engaging in unethical behavior, it won't be long before the employees under them are engaging in unethical behavior as well. Sooner or later, a lack of moral integrity almost always leads to a person's undoing, which is why it should be a major red flag.


A "do what I say, not what I do" mentality is toxic to your work environment. As a leader, you set an example for your team. If you want your employees to respect and listen to you, you must follow your own rules. You can't hold your staff accountable if you aren't willing to work just as hard. By slowly letting others in and sharing failures and challenges, you will begin to appear more real, and employees will begin to believe in you. When you make yourself vulnerable, you make yourself relatable.


Employees would rather be instructed on what to do than be left with questions and uncertainty. Providing directions and outlining missions will motivate your team and keep them on track. While it's important to trust your workers with their tasks, this doesn't mean you shouldn't delegate assignments and highlight objectives to get the ball rolling. Leaders should set individual goals for workers and explain how they align with the broader work of the organization.


All leaders eventually face the danger of getting stuck in their ways. The current way of doing things may be working, but it's important not to let yourself⏤ or your team ⏤grow stagnant. The best thing you can do for your team as a leader is communicate and instill a clear sense of why you're doing what you do. Your company mission will likely lose credibility without continued innovation, and reminding the organization of its purpose will motivate you to collaborate and grow. To stay adaptive, leaders also need to listen to feedback from anyone who has a stake in the business, including clients. 


  1. What drives us every day?
  2. What makes our hearts sing?
  3. How do we help our customers achieve their dreams?
  4. What is our core value?
  5. What do we stand for?
  6. What is our place in the world?

“We all have the potential to become leaders, but developing these skills is a never-ending journey.” ⏤ Emma Kirkwood