Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet

How can you leverage ChatGPT and Midjourney to ease your creative burden?

One team was able to produce 500 high-quality photorealistic ads using AI prompts ⏤ and they reduced both costs and production time by 65%!

But the question remains: how did they do it? And the answers are in these three tips…

The AI Formula For High-Converting Ads

The high-level view of their workflow looks like this:

  1. Create an image in Midjourney
  2. Generate copy with ChatGPT
  3. Add both to Figma templates

This AI-assisted content creation is a game-changer, particularly for generating marketing assets, and the results can look like this:

Creating Images w/ Midjourney

If you're starting from scratch and you need images for your campaigns, Midjourney is going to be your best friend.

In general, using clear and direct prompts in all AI tools will give the outputs you want, and outputs that represent your assets correctly. Midjourney specifically responds well to photography terminology, so you can use specific photorealistic elements like camera type, film stock, and color scheme in your prompts to establish and maintain a visual signature:

Maintaining a consistent visual signature across marketing assets is important for brand awareness and buyer recognition over time. That said, creating a large number of marketing assets efficiently goes beyond visual consistency — you'll also need to synchronize images and copy to maximize your marketing's impact.

Generating Copy w/ ChatGPT

Creating copy with ChatGPT isn't that different from Midjourney images, in that highly specific prompts will give you the best result. They use a combination of brand elements and prompt parameters to generate a multitude of copy variants:

Generating copy this way also enables high-volume testing, which is crucial for optimizing marketing campaigns and targeting specific audiences effectively. And speaking of specific audiences, AI also makes it easy to localize content for campaigns. Midjourney can tailor images to incorporate different regions and target demographics, while ChatGPT makes it easier to convert ad copy into different languages.

Building Templates w/ Figma

After categorizing and synchronizing the Midjourney images and ChatGPT copy, they add the creative to pre-built high-converting ad templates in Figma, with aspect ratios appropriate for different platforms and placeholders for the assets:

Building templates in design tools like Figma is an efficient way to bring AI-generated assets together, streamline the content creation process, and make the campaign creation process more scalable.

Significant Savings & ROI

There are substantial time and cost savings available by leveraging AI in content creation, particularly for larger projects.

While there is definitely a learning curve to craftng prompts and fine-tuning your output, the freedom to make swift changes and pivot without generating new physical assets is a major competitive edge for brands that use this system to be productive and generate ROI.

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